Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Novel review; TWILIGHT by Stephenie Meyer III/III

Title                 : Twilight
Author             : Stephenie Meyer
Genre              : Romance, fantasy, young-adult fiction
Published         : 2005
Pages               : 498 pages
Characters       :           Isabella Swan
                                    Edward Cullen
                                    Jacob Black
                                    Charlie Swan
                                    Alice Cullen
                                    Renee Dwyer
                                    Billy Black
                                    Emmet Cullen
                                    Rosalie Hale
                                    Jasper Hale
                                    Carlisle Cullen
                                    Esme Cullen

While the Cullens are playing their crazy version of baseball (they're all incredibly strong and fast), three other vampires show up. One named James takes a liking to Bella (in the “I want to eat you” kind of way). Edward and his family get Bella away from James long enough to make a plan. They know that James is trying to track Bella, so Alice and Jasper (Edward's adoptive siblings) whisk her away to a hiding place in Phoenix, but James lures Bella to him by telling her that he has captured her mom. He’s about to kill Bella when the Cullen clan shows up. The only problem is that James has already bitten Bella. If Edward doesn't suck the venom-infected blood out of her, she'll become a vampire. Though it's difficult for Edward to control his urge to suck all of Bella's blood, he manages to cure Bella without killing her. The Cullens kill James and get Bella to a hospital, where she starts to recover from her many injuries.
Overall Bella’s OK, though banged up. She and Edward are more in love than ever. However, they argue because Bella wants him to bite her and make her into a vampire so that they can live together forever; Edward refuses. Regardless of their different species, they are devoted to one another completely.
Edward surprises Bella by taking her to the prom – she's horrified because she's uncoordinated and worried about dancing in public. Jacob shows up at the dance and delivers a message – Billy wants Bella to dump Edward. He also wants her to know that they “will be watching”.  Anyway, Edward and Bella go outside to have some time alone – it’s twilight outside. Again, Bella asks Edward to make her into a vampire, and he refuses. Edward says to Bella, “I will stay with you – isn’t that enough?” and she replies, “Enough for now”

It is a good book, it's got so much detail and is very romantic, but I love the way at every moment there relationship was hanging on an edge. Edward hardly abuses Bella and when he does hurt her he doesn't mean to and when he stops her going places it's only because he is so worried about losing her. Anyway, I loved the book and how it made me feel excited and anxious.

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